Cat’s Eye is an intriguing gemstone that has an extrusive resemblance to the eyes of the cat. The gemstone is known for its physical healing properties, metaphysical powers, and spiritual enlightenment. Cat’s Eye is also known as Lahsuniya, Vaidooryam, or Vaiduryam in Hindi.
Wearing a cat's eye bracelet is believed to have several benefits. It is said to bring good luck and fortune to the wearer and protect them from negative energies. It is also believed to enhance intuition and promote clarity of thought. The bracelet is known to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, which helps in opening up one's psychic abilities. Additionally, wearing a cat's eye bracelet is said to improve focus and concentration, making it a popular choice among students and professionals alike. Overall, the cat's eye bracelet is considered to be a powerful talisman that can bring positivity and success into one's life.